jeanneth how

Posted: March 23, 2012 by arjaybylah in Uncategorized

J-amming with friend. I always do
E-arnest to them like me to you
A-nticipating the things for tomorrow
N-ever give up to the life I borrow
N-othing’s gonna stop me
E-ven death would love me
T-hats what you get when you get your
H-eart win

M-aldita, indeed!
A-bsolutely stylish
R-eal transparent, can
Q-uickly blend in a moment
U-nmindful of the stuffs that would pull me down
E-asy to let go of the things I should’nt keep
Z-esting the existence for all these years

H-opeful to be the best I can be
O-pt to be aggressive towards challenges
W-andering the worlds that still has to be conquered.

roger dala

Posted: March 23, 2012 by arjaybylah in Uncategorized

R-eliable and responsible enough to face the reality of all walk’s of life
O-ptimistic and brilliant,this made him passed the national equivalency test for high school drop out.Luckily he passed and qualified for Teriary level
G-rizzled of his own way
E-xquisite in and out
R-eady to conquer the world with his Guidance

D-iscreet to the feeling of others
A-gressive,daring and boldness
Y-et, weak in some ways
E-verything will be “ok”, If you’re not against it

D-reaming to become a prolific professor someday
A-rtistic and audacious
L-oving and caring to his family, friend and above all he
A-lways available to serve God.

movelyn isidor

Posted: March 23, 2012 by arjaybylah in Uncategorized

M-y attitude sometimes may not be pleasing
O-thers may hate me when I hurt ones feelings
V-olunterism was never in my dictionary
E-ighteen years of age, but still not acting maturely
L-aughing out loud, something I cannot do
Y-ou may find me such hypocrite, smiling stupidly and not so true

O-bviously playing safe, to keep away troubles from me
R-eflection of my personality, one thing hard to see
I-ntelligence you can’t expect from me
H-ardworking, I do promise that I will be
U-nusual girl, pretty boys never filled my sight
E-xcept for one Adam of my life
L-aziness keep my hands on my phone
A-lways stucked in my bed all day long

I-nsulting me, something you wouldn’t try
S-aying bad words againts you, just don’t dare to question why?
I-ntermingling with others, I find it hard to do
D-amn! my shyness makes me feel so blue
O-ver confidence was really absent in me
R-everse that shyness, much better for me to see

“love led me in the right way”
(price tag tune)

like a tide w/ an ebb & a flow,
tossing you high smashing you low,
sometimes you ride on the crest of the wave,
sometimes in a pit of a bottomless cave.

but love has a way of running its course,
wiser perhaps is the look for the source,
like the look in a special someone’s eyes,
that lifts your soul up to the skies.

like the dazzling sunrise of the day,
awash in a rainbow display,
w/ nature all around me,
such gives my soul a lift

along each trails & pathways i find, i find,
such lovely gifts, i find, i find,
there are friends to warm me,
as i stumble along the way.

their warmth & care and giving,
lightens my everyday living,
loving God gives me inspiration,
loving my family gives me aspiration.

studies, friends, mentors my addiction,
I don’t need any special attention,
only love & care that will lead me,
love led me in the right direction.

christian monteverde

Posted: March 23, 2012 by arjaybylah in Uncategorized

C-nstantly I am making myself
H-appy to the things I love to do
R-isking my life is not what I pursue
I-nstead making sure of the path I would go through
S-ince then I grew up to be a fine man
T-aking any chances
I-nside to insure my biggest life plan,
A-nd gaining respect from anyone
N-ow that my dream has began .

R-eaching for dreams is never easy
A-iming high for myself to be ready
F-alling down may occura eventually
A-nd getting up wil be the strongest move I’d make
E-ven in time, I would make it humble
L-iving my life

M-any things in my mind
A-re like puzzles that waiting to be solved
G-oing through the hardship
A-nd feeling like it is a thousand fold
L-ooking for the pieces to be arranged and
L-etting the picture shows the future
A-sking myself how to fulfill everything
N-w line and corner of it
S-howing the exact pattern of my dream that once unfold

M-oments of the past will be remembered
O-nly then my prayers will be answered
N-ow and forever my voice will be hear like
T-rumpet that I usualy played
E-very little thing I make creates a
V-ery special feeling in my heart
E-venthough from my family I am apart
R-ight from the start they made a big part in my life
D-oing everything I’ve got for them to appreciate
E-very ste of the way .

jone mark dawa

Posted: March 23, 2012 by arjaybylah in Uncategorized

J-oyful of what i have now, but
O-ne thing is bothering me
N-ot the visible things ,nor
E-xperiences of mine but the love that i`m seeking for.

M-ight all of this lament
A-nnihilated in my mind
R-egrets will vanished as well.
K-ickin` oof those foe, and acquire a new hue.

S-ayin` they`re livin me alone
A-and pushing me on the pit of grave
B-ut i`m still standing strong
N-ow and for the following days
I-m on my way to exploit the
L-eague of my aspiration

D-eafeting all the odds on my way
A-nd having an optimistic sight
W-ith the aid of divine providence
A-nything is possible without an anxiety of vengeance

irene mendoza

Posted: March 23, 2012 by arjaybylah in Uncategorized

I-n love with GOD and
R-eady to give all she has for her family
E-nslaved by her fears in life’s cruelty but
N-ow that she has gotten the guts she has
E-ventually broken the shell that trapped her in the past.

L-earning to love the fate that she got
A-ccepting that fairy tales are left to rot
N-ow that she’s a lady, she has grown matured
E-verytime she falls in love
S-he thinks for the future.

M-um when words are not necessary but
E-xpresses everything when she gets angry
N-iggard well surely that’s her and her attitude
D-epends on to how you treated her
O-utspoken when irritated but very
Z-ealous for she’s a dreamer and
A-miable when you get to know her better.

George C. Bagay

Posted: March 23, 2012 by arjaybylah in Uncategorized

G- entleness ih hearts and peace

E-njoying life with friends

O-ptimistic in life

R-educing his pride

G-iver but



C-aring for his family

R-ich in wisdom but

I-nsensitive of his loved one

S-ervant of God

O-bligation are his priority

L-oving to his parents

O-vercoming from his problem is his

G-oal and

O-bjective in life


B-eautiful and


G-iving his

A-ttraction as a


Jireh Shammah Baluran Penafiel

Posted: March 23, 2012 by arjaybylah in Uncategorized

J-ust an empty soul
I-n a world that is filled with hatred
R-egarded as a genius by others
E-ven though he is only a dead man walking
H-aving only his heart on his sleeves

S-cars in his face still proves his past
H-ere he stands in his cold and fear form.
A-nd people wonder about his smile, since
M-ost of his smiles are fake.
M-ysteriously hiding his pain and bitterness by
A-dding a fake smile in his smile as he
H-ides his heavy burdens

B-etrayed by friends, given a responsibility
A-t an early age,
L-abeled as a black sheep to a perfect family
U-nable to be treated seriously by people. Because of this a
R-ebelous teenager was created
A- nd suddenly, love appeared and made this man into a
N-obody. By breaking his heart

P-ain grew as he cried from love’s wrath
E-nding connection to everything around him leaving
N-o love to all, even to his twin
A-las! this rebel has now changed for the better
F-or he is now find new meaning to his life.
I-n making his life straight, he carries
E-veryone, his family, friends and the woman he

Josemae Bernal Goden

Posted: March 23, 2012 by arjaybylah in Uncategorized

J-itter enveloped in the midst of crowd
O-bvious of what she wants to tell out loud
S-ometimes seeks for a genuine love, that
E-veryone also desires to have
M-ischievous sometimes she might be
A-ffordable also she could be
E-xtricate myself for a better me

B-eing simple and sweet is what you can see
E-nduring those bitterness and sadness
R-isking for something she badly wants
N-obody could stop and even say you can’t
A-llowing myself to explore new things
L-oving and accepting new beginnings

G-iving people a wonderful advice
O-vercoming those negative vibes
D-eveloping new chapters in lives
E-nding those sheer misery
N-ew start for a beautiful discovery